PMC Connection (Hong Kong)
based in Hong Kong

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Hi, I am PMC Connection

PMC CONNECTION (HK) 致力推動文化藝術和手工藝, 除了提供多元化手工材料批發及零售外, 通過參加各種活動,許多藝術研討會,以促進本地藝術和手工藝文化,並在一些中學和社區中心舉行的研討會廣泛認可。 我們致力培訓專業的手工導師有充分的教學經驗,導師們透過不同的材料配合教學,另每個活動更突出及難忘。 本公司更是日本三菱授權的PMC 香港正規壳發店, 代理PMC 所有產品, 包括: 銀黏土, 銀膏、銀紙、針筒裝銀, 金黏土、銅黏土、各式工具, 等等。 PMC CONNECTION (HK) 亦專營批發或零售世界各頂專業及高級的手工藝材料用品。本公司代理項目及品牌: 高質素日本 Aqyla 進口顏料, KYOSHIN ELLE 皮革工藝用具及CRAFT皮革工藝用具等等。 PMC Connection PMC Connection (Hong Kong) distributes Precious Metal Clay (PMC) material and related products, providing high quality and retainable professional training to increase the awareness of PMC art creation in Hong Kong. They offer a variety of certified courses for designing and creating glass products, jewellery, clay products and more for beginners as well as advanced students. PMC Connection has worked with over 70 schools for art classes and all instructors are experienced in teaching and are highly skilled.

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