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2 people join, whole order 10% off


visibilityViews 2519


1200 HKD
Duration: 4 Hours
Max group size: 20 people(s)
Languages: English, Chinese, Cantonese

Event Description

今次特別推出 Early Bird 特享大優惠!
(**優惠只限六月份內報名!Early Bird 可免費調堂一次!)

我地會預備顏料和木板,小孩子可免費Art Jamming!

由街頭藝術以圖像、文字、Stencil、噴畫、併貼、貼紙等普渡感召,到毅然登堂入室栽進木人行列,【 Start From Zero 】貫徹由零開始沒甚麼輸不起的精神,「木」空一切投入無限創作。
「Start From Zero 包含了 street art(街頭藝術)的意思。香港的街頭藝術是由零開始,我們希望多些人做。第二層意思是每個人、每件事,有時都要由零開始。」大抵正因為這個不解緣,令Start From Zero的作品總帶有各種絲印的圖案、標誌式的Stencil Art風味,型格十足之餘形象鮮明,難怪經常得到不同知名品牌的青睞和合作。
課程內容BAR STOOL 製作 
Size// 36L x 24W x 69H cm
1. 量度,所有BAR STOOL 組裝件必須在切割前精確地量度好尺寸;(初學者嚴禁進行鋸木)
2. 整合,準備好木榫、鑽孔、配件、工具等用來裝撳切割好的組件。3. 組裝,如何在組裝工序裡保持凳椅的平衡和穩定性。4. 修飾,將切割或組裝時可能出現的凹凸面修復完善。
時間:早上11:00-下午3:00 (約4小時)
導師簡介九年前成立的一個街頭藝術組織,最初是由start from zero這張貼紙開始,之後伸引到stencil、wheatpaste及其他煤介以街頭文化的型式將心中的座右銘start from zero宣揚開去!Start from zero有兩個含意,第一是想告訴街上的朋友自己由零開始做街頭藝術,亦希望影響到街上看到這句話的人跟我們一樣開始做各類型的街頭藝術,開始不一樣的人生!第二是start from zero是激勵語句!我們希望以街頭藝術傳播這句口號,提醒每一個人當情緒低落、覺得失落、失去目標時可以由零開始,世上沒有徹低的失敗,也沒有甚麼大不了,start from zero! 
四年前開始成立start from zero 的服裝支線,從Tee恤、背包、帽子及各種飾物作煤體繼續宣揚由零開始訊息,在香港、中國、台灣及澳門均有發售!
How to Build Bar Stools
In the 1970s and 1980s the bar stool was relegated to basement recreational rooms and rec-room bars. But these days, you'll find bar stools front and center in the heart of the home -- the kitchen. Why the shift in furniture placement? Though they still go by the term "bar stool," this style of chair is perfect for the high counters of a kitchen island, a feature that has become overwhelmingly popular in many newer homes.
Course ContentThe supplies needed to build your bar stool depends on what type you want to create. This workshop will explain how to build a simple wooden bar stool without a back, and the tools and supplies required for that project.
1. Measuring, all needed parts for the stool. Remember, always measure twice and cut once! (Beginners are not allowed to cut the wood)2. Attaching, make a pair of legs and a strip of wood that equals the width you want for your seat.3. Assembling, how to give the best support and stability for your stool.4. Finishing touchup, to make your stools a little more decorative.
Date: 30th Jul(Sat)Time: 11:00am-3:00pm (4 hours/class)Venue: Ngau Tau Kok
Host Profile“Start From Zero” was founded by a Hong Kong local street artist - Dom. START stands for STreet ART, STencil ART and STicker ART. The are two meanings of “Start From Zero”:
1. He started performing street art from nothing, i.e. “zero; I hope that when someone see my stickers, they will be like me, start doing street art from “zero”.
2. It can be a slogan for encouraging people when they are unhappy, down or miserable. He also wants people to remind their friends of this slogan when the same things happen.
Apart from using stickers, “Start From Zero” also uses wheat pastes, spraying on stencils with different characters and illustrations to convey his message on streets. “Street From Zero” does solo street art as well as collaboration street art. He is an active member of a Hong Kong Street Art crew - ST/ART.Besides performing street art, “Street From Zero” will release various products, T-shirts, badges, caps and other accessories. These are the additional media for “Start From Zero” to more widely spread his message to everyone.

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Latest event reviews




Fion law

Perfect experience for whole family. The place is clean and tidy, ppl is professional and friendly. We will definitely go again.

Jun 2017
Aton Ma

聽過Start from Zero 好多次,終於有機會試下整,我唸我需要再整多張 :thumbsup:

From Jun 2017
Vivi Chan

我同老公每人整左張係新屋, 好鐘意 :heart_eyes:

From May 2017
Winnie Chan


From May 2017
Wong Wai Hung

has attended the event

From May 2017
Alex Lau

has attended the event

From May 2017


visibilityViews 2519


1200 HKD
Duration: 4 Hours
Max group size: 20 people(s)
Languages: English, Chinese, Cantonese
Art & Design
Whatsapp booking/enquiriesContact Hosbby

Event Description

今次特別推出 Early Bird 特享大優惠!
(**優惠只限六月份內報名!Early Bird 可免費調堂一次!)

我地會預備顏料和木板,小孩子可免費Art Jamming!

由街頭藝術以圖像、文字、Stencil、噴畫、併貼、貼紙等普渡感召,到毅然登堂入室栽進木人行列,【 Start From Zero 】貫徹由零開始沒甚麼輸不起的精神,「木」空一切投入無限創作。
「Start From Zero 包含了 street art(街頭藝術)的意思。香港的街頭藝術是由零開始,我們希望多些人做。第二層意思是每個人、每件事,有時都要由零開始。」大抵正因為這個不解緣,令Start From Zero的作品總帶有各種絲印的圖案、標誌式的Stencil Art風味,型格十足之餘形象鮮明,難怪經常得到不同知名品牌的青睞和合作。
課程內容BAR STOOL 製作 
Size// 36L x 24W x 69H cm
1. 量度,所有BAR STOOL 組裝件必須在切割前精確地量度好尺寸;(初學者嚴禁進行鋸木)
2. 整合,準備好木榫、鑽孔、配件、工具等用來裝撳切割好的組件。3. 組裝,如何在組裝工序裡保持凳椅的平衡和穩定性。4. 修飾,將切割或組裝時可能出現的凹凸面修復完善。
時間:早上11:00-下午3:00 (約4小時)
導師簡介九年前成立的一個街頭藝術組織,最初是由start from zero這張貼紙開始,之後伸引到stencil、wheatpaste及其他煤介以街頭文化的型式將心中的座右銘start from zero宣揚開去!Start from zero有兩個含意,第一是想告訴街上的朋友自己由零開始做街頭藝術,亦希望影響到街上看到這句話的人跟我們一樣開始做各類型的街頭藝術,開始不一樣的人生!第二是start from zero是激勵語句!我們希望以街頭藝術傳播這句口號,提醒每一個人當情緒低落、覺得失落、失去目標時可以由零開始,世上沒有徹低的失敗,也沒有甚麼大不了,start from zero! 
四年前開始成立start from zero 的服裝支線,從Tee恤、背包、帽子及各種飾物作煤體繼續宣揚由零開始訊息,在香港、中國、台灣及澳門均有發售!
How to Build Bar Stools
In the 1970s and 1980s the bar stool was relegated to basement recreational rooms and rec-room bars. But these days, you'll find bar stools front and center in the heart of the home -- the kitchen. Why the shift in furniture placement? Though they still go by the term "bar stool," this style of chair is perfect for the high counters of a kitchen island, a feature that has become overwhelmingly popular in many newer homes.
Course ContentThe supplies needed to build your bar stool depends on what type you want to create. This workshop will explain how to build a simple wooden bar stool without a back, and the tools and supplies required for that project.
1. Measuring, all needed parts for the stool. Remember, always measure twice and cut once! (Beginners are not allowed to cut the wood)2. Attaching, make a pair of legs and a strip of wood that equals the width you want for your seat.3. Assembling, how to give the best support and stability for your stool.4. Finishing touchup, to make your stools a little more decorative.
Date: 30th Jul(Sat)Time: 11:00am-3:00pm (4 hours/class)Venue: Ngau Tau Kok
Host Profile“Start From Zero” was founded by a Hong Kong local street artist - Dom. START stands for STreet ART, STencil ART and STicker ART. The are two meanings of “Start From Zero”:
1. He started performing street art from nothing, i.e. “zero; I hope that when someone see my stickers, they will be like me, start doing street art from “zero”.
2. It can be a slogan for encouraging people when they are unhappy, down or miserable. He also wants people to remind their friends of this slogan when the same things happen.
Apart from using stickers, “Start From Zero” also uses wheat pastes, spraying on stencils with different characters and illustrations to convey his message on streets. “Street From Zero” does solo street art as well as collaboration street art. He is an active member of a Hong Kong Street Art crew - ST/ART.Besides performing street art, “Street From Zero” will release various products, T-shirts, badges, caps and other accessories. These are the additional media for “Start From Zero” to more widely spread his message to everyone.

Event Location

Event Location


Latest event reviews




Fion law

Perfect experience for whole family. The place is clean and tidy, ppl is professional and friendly. We will definitely go again.

Jun 2017
Aton Ma

聽過Start from Zero 好多次,終於有機會試下整,我唸我需要再整多張 :thumbsup:

From Jun 2017
Vivi Chan

我同老公每人整左張係新屋, 好鐘意 :heart_eyes:

From May 2017
Winnie Chan


From May 2017
Wong Wai Hung

has attended the event

From May 2017
Alex Lau

has attended the event

From May 2017
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