Elegantly Engrossed - Calligraphy 西洋書法 (Maju. 大階)
Event Description
Elegantly Engrossed is a series of lettering workshops on the exquisite Engrosser’s Script that comprises two sessions: one on minuscules (i.e. lowercase letters) and the other one on majuscules (i.e. capital letters).
Elegantly Engrossed是一系列有關細緻優雅的Engrosser’s Script的工作坊,主要分為小階工作坊及大階工作坊兩節。
No matter which session you are joining, our goal is simple – to go back to the basics of Engrosser’s Script. Together we will start with an introduction to the tools and the language used by calligraphers, some of our favourite warming up exercises, then we will look at the fundamental strokes of this Script, the basic rules governing the letter forms and how to intelligently practise writing the Script on your own.
不論你參加的是任何一個工作坊,我們的目標都是簡單的 - 就是回到Engrosser’s Script的基礎。由有關工具及書法家之間用語的簡介開始,我們會一起做一些我最喜歡的熱身練習,再看看Engrosser’s Script的基礎筆劃、基本的字型結構規則和如何在工作坊完結後都能自己有效地練習。
We believe that good letters are only found at the bottom of each bottle of ink. While we all seek to write as we are elegantly engrossing the text on paper, we also hope that you enjoy the serenity that being elegantly engrossed in writing brings. Therefore, just relax and let your hand dance with the pen!
Other information
Theme of workshop: This is a workshop focusing on the capital letters in Engrosser's Script.
工作坊主題:這節工作坊將圍繞Engrosser's Script這書體中的大階字母
Target participants: Beginners or calligraphy lovers who want to refine their Engrosser’s Script
適合程度:初學沾水筆書法人士或希望學習或改進Engrosser’s Script的書法愛好者
Duration: 7 hours including a one-hour lunch break
Class size: 10 people at maximum. Some seats are reserved for participants who have already enroled in the workshops through other channels.
What to bring: A ruler, a pencil/mechanical pencil, an eraser, a pen of a sharp colour for making notes on your writing and other note-taking tools (optional)
What we have prepared for you: A carefully curated workshop kit that consists of an oblique pen holder, a Nikko G pointed nib, a Leonardt Extra Fine Principal nib, a pot of walnut ink, paper for use in the workshop, a set of guide sheets and notes exclusively published by The Lady’s Writing
工作坊提供材料:斜桿筆一枝、Nikko G 筆尖一個, Leonardt Extra Fine Principal 筆尖一個、核桃木色墨水一瓶、上課所需用紙適量以及The Lady’s Writing編撰及出版之筆記及間線底紙一套
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Event Location
Event Location
Elegantly Engrossed - Calligraphy 西洋書法 (Maju. 大階)
Event Description
Elegantly Engrossed is a series of lettering workshops on the exquisite Engrosser’s Script that comprises two sessions: one on minuscules (i.e. lowercase letters) and the other one on majuscules (i.e. capital letters).
Elegantly Engrossed是一系列有關細緻優雅的Engrosser’s Script的工作坊,主要分為小階工作坊及大階工作坊兩節。
No matter which session you are joining, our goal is simple – to go back to the basics of Engrosser’s Script. Together we will start with an introduction to the tools and the language used by calligraphers, some of our favourite warming up exercises, then we will look at the fundamental strokes of this Script, the basic rules governing the letter forms and how to intelligently practise writing the Script on your own.
不論你參加的是任何一個工作坊,我們的目標都是簡單的 - 就是回到Engrosser’s Script的基礎。由有關工具及書法家之間用語的簡介開始,我們會一起做一些我最喜歡的熱身練習,再看看Engrosser’s Script的基礎筆劃、基本的字型結構規則和如何在工作坊完結後都能自己有效地練習。
We believe that good letters are only found at the bottom of each bottle of ink. While we all seek to write as we are elegantly engrossing the text on paper, we also hope that you enjoy the serenity that being elegantly engrossed in writing brings. Therefore, just relax and let your hand dance with the pen!
Other information
Theme of workshop: This is a workshop focusing on the capital letters in Engrosser's Script.
工作坊主題:這節工作坊將圍繞Engrosser's Script這書體中的大階字母
Target participants: Beginners or calligraphy lovers who want to refine their Engrosser’s Script
適合程度:初學沾水筆書法人士或希望學習或改進Engrosser’s Script的書法愛好者
Duration: 7 hours including a one-hour lunch break
Class size: 10 people at maximum. Some seats are reserved for participants who have already enroled in the workshops through other channels.
What to bring: A ruler, a pencil/mechanical pencil, an eraser, a pen of a sharp colour for making notes on your writing and other note-taking tools (optional)
What we have prepared for you: A carefully curated workshop kit that consists of an oblique pen holder, a Nikko G pointed nib, a Leonardt Extra Fine Principal nib, a pot of walnut ink, paper for use in the workshop, a set of guide sheets and notes exclusively published by The Lady’s Writing
工作坊提供材料:斜桿筆一枝、Nikko G 筆尖一個, Leonardt Extra Fine Principal 筆尖一個、核桃木色墨水一瓶、上課所需用紙適量以及The Lady’s Writing編撰及出版之筆記及間線底紙一套
Tutor Profile
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Event Location