Wai Wai is nice and patient
絵手紙工作坊: 人物篇 Japanese Folk Art: Etegami (Portrait)
Event Description
「絵手紙」是什麼?「絵手紙(Etegami: Japanese folk art)」始於日本,就是「寄出一封有圖畫的信」的意思。
絵手紙的目的並非為將畫畫美,而是為了建立繪者、收信人與受繪物之間的關係。 絵手紙的構圖和點題的詩句都簡單,適合任何人仕繪製。
絵手紙揉合畫法及水墨,是日本特有的畫風。「絵手紙」 ( えてがみ)就是指混合了「文字」和「圖案」所寫成的書信。是日本特有的畫風!
「絵手紙」信件裡所書寫的內容部份以文字表示,部份會用圖案表示。 很適合小孩子學習,大人也可以玩。
Japanese Folk Art: Etegami
Etegami is a Japanese folk art consisting of simple hand-painted drawings accompanied by a few apt words, and they are almost always done on postcards for quick and easy mailing. The basic concept has been around for a long time; the tradition of handmade New Years cards testifies to this.
(English introduction source: https://goo.gl/G3gcKH)
What to expect
-如欠缺勇氣,可先參加「絵手紙工作坊: 基礎篇」壯壯膽: https://www.hosbby.com/event/678
-All teaching materiasl included. All paints & brushes will be provided
-Small class size: Max: 10 persons
-Each participant can complete 1 A5-A4 size portrait etegami
-No experienced is required for brave people, the host will instruct you to complete the artwork.
-For basic training, please join: https://www.hosbby.com/event/678
-See more at: https://goo.gl/02Z5hJ
Event Location
Event Location
Tuen Mun
絵手紙工作坊: 人物篇 Japanese Folk Art: Etegami (Portrait)
Event Description
「絵手紙」是什麼?「絵手紙(Etegami: Japanese folk art)」始於日本,就是「寄出一封有圖畫的信」的意思。
絵手紙的目的並非為將畫畫美,而是為了建立繪者、收信人與受繪物之間的關係。 絵手紙的構圖和點題的詩句都簡單,適合任何人仕繪製。
絵手紙揉合畫法及水墨,是日本特有的畫風。「絵手紙」 ( えてがみ)就是指混合了「文字」和「圖案」所寫成的書信。是日本特有的畫風!
「絵手紙」信件裡所書寫的內容部份以文字表示,部份會用圖案表示。 很適合小孩子學習,大人也可以玩。
Japanese Folk Art: Etegami
Etegami is a Japanese folk art consisting of simple hand-painted drawings accompanied by a few apt words, and they are almost always done on postcards for quick and easy mailing. The basic concept has been around for a long time; the tradition of handmade New Years cards testifies to this.
(English introduction source: https://goo.gl/G3gcKH)
What to expect
-如欠缺勇氣,可先參加「絵手紙工作坊: 基礎篇」壯壯膽: https://www.hosbby.com/event/678
-All teaching materiasl included. All paints & brushes will be provided
-Small class size: Max: 10 persons
-Each participant can complete 1 A5-A4 size portrait etegami
-No experienced is required for brave people, the host will instruct you to complete the artwork.
-For basic training, please join: https://www.hosbby.com/event/678
-See more at: https://goo.gl/02Z5hJ
Event Location
Event Location
Tuen Mun